Lemme continue my story, which I promise to continue it.
-C o n t i n u e -
Who will believe I'm a Bisexual?!?! But, he did. He so panic when the time he is waiting my anwer. What kind of anwer?? Of cause waiting me to agree be his girlfriend right?? ahahaa... I see him so cute and so panic and his heart really beat fast enough to get heart attack. So happy to see him having this kind of reaction. So I decided to continue play with it!!
Play and play and play, then I remember till the end, don't know how, he was already hugging me, and I'm blushing. Most important!!! which is both of us having eyes contact. And, he was like going to kiss me, but yet to kiss me. He seems like want to but is scare to do so.
In the end, Im become his girlfriend already lor.... After together, he is good. He is FREE too. Everyday my lunch time, he really good to come and company me just for awhile. Even though I have to pay my lunch myself. But still he is there, the care is there. Or, maybe he is just too free. hahaha... Who knows?
Day and day pass on, yes, he show all his attitude to me. Actually, you ask me, why I break up with him. Honestly, I really forgot, it maybe is because together with him, I cannot see my future with him, when that time he that kind of look, seriously my parent sure don't like him.
And so, I choose to break up with him before I start form 5. He didn't mad at me when I said I wanted to break up with him. After I break up with him, I go cut my hair. For me, is just that one way to tell myself is time for me to let go something. The decision I have made myself, I have to face it. Some how for now I think I have made a correct decision before. I think this is what we call fate?
Day after day, my school has start, he also have his own things to do, and he get to go for NASIONAL SERVICE!!! lol for this. hahahahha....
*Once again, long story will be continue*
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Long Story
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Moment to be remember
This thing happen kind the bothering me, since I know it on June 9th 2008.
Before this, I want to remind myself how I meet him in my life for the past.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jeffrey, rest in peace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Around 3 years+ ago, I'm still a high school student, which is studying at SMK Damansara Jaya and is a form 4 student. After last semester of exam, form 4 student which claim as "Honey Moon" year will not be going school, and I'm like Hell ya !! Is time to look for money. Yes, I like money!!
People usually wondering where to look for job? and I was like a taught in mind " okay, go 1 utama and look for a part time". And so, I walk and walk and mingle around at 1 Utama. Which there is a lot of boutiques/shops is looking for part timer. I walk in one shop and another, 1 of the boutique shop name RedrummurdeR.
Aiyah, usually always have to wait for them to call you up 1 la.. right??
of cause I also have to wait for their call. So... Bla bla bla long story la, then don't know when i receive call, of cause from redrummurder.
So... bla bla bla *fast forwarding*
Then I meet this guy lorh , working at Bornia - look talk, skinny, fair and like to snooke! haha.. then after few weeks, this guy talked to me, Well, I don't remember his name. I think is Alan or some kind of nick name start A.
OOOOoooOoo, I remember, this guy name Andy. He always ask me to go snooker with him. One day, there are couple of guy passing by redrummurder and stairing inside the shop like looking and searching for someone.
As usually, promoter sure 1 week 7 days 1 day is holiday. =D Yish, i go snooker with Andy, and andy bring a friend a long, and I was suprise he talked more than Andy.
Andy's friend name - Jeffrey, I call him Jeff. He talk and talk and talk. In the end, I don remember how he got my phone number, and call me and chat chat chat. Of cause lorh, only 1 ending, couple already. =)
He is a nice guy after all, he like to go 1 utama lok for me during my break time while I'm working. He is like so free, nothing better to do. Heheehe.. Sometimes I really thing he is too free already. Even just few minutes, he also will stay at with me during my lunch time. Well, his house is near 1 utama i guess, and Andy was one of his best friend tho.
Everyday mingle in 1 utama do nothing. So free...!!! YiisshHh. He like to go to those stair case just chit chating with me.. hahaha
A lot happy moments together. He show me all his attitude to me, he is funny!!! When i simply just tell him Im a Bi sexual, his heart is jumping so fast, and so scare and keep asking me, am I joking with him. He was like so SERIOUS!!!
Who will believe Im a Bi????!!! * If got please tell me =) *
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continue.
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